By Dooh - 17/01/2012 23:12 - United Kingdom

Today, I've found out that since beginning my new heavy workout regime, my testosterone levels have gone through the roof, making me constantly horny. My girlfriend lives on another continent. The reason I'm working out so hard? To impress her when I see her next. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 094
You deserved it 5 017

Same thing different taste

Top comments


You wanna meet up? (; I'll help you with your problem

thefuckinloser 6

good luck with the long distance romance

Can someone please explain to me how the **** this is an "FML?" I know I shouldn't question it, but I don't understand. Is the "ooh **** my lifeeee :(" part the fact he can't see his girl since she lives on another ******* continent? Or the fact he's one horny ************? Oh wait...

I guarantee you it'll impress her more if you stay loyal rather than lose some weight.

good41thing198 7

Your GFs on another continent and your not ******* other women? What are you, besides a pussy?

The best tight is your good old right.

That's great what you're doing. Stay faithful ;)

fabu12 0

Aww that's happened to me so owner over there and begged him to **** me

Well atleast when you see eachother next you'll both have a great time ;)

is it wrong to say that's sweet? lmao