By Andrew - 20/04/2011 16:31 - United States

Today, I tried to get my wife to have sex with me, she told me she couldn't because she had her period. She's two months pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 381
You deserved it 11 721

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She just didn't want the baby to be poked by your ****.

Some women keep having periods when they are pregnant, maybe she is one of them.


Do yourself a favor and leave the **** before its to late.

why would you want to have sex with her when shes pregnant?!! srsly are you that desperate?

why would u wanna have sex if she's pregnant

dancergrl4394 1

actually you can still have toyr period up to three months after your pregnant so yeah maybe she was on it you may never know

you don't have your period when your pregnent, nice try

a real captain will sail even if the sea is red, thats what i say

meggrifingirl 0

some women still get their periods while there pregnet.

VeilOfVelvet 0

That hardly sounds catastrophic. So your wife wasn't in the mood. Big deal. And it's normal to have "spotting" during pregnancy, so it's possible she was telling the truth. And what's with the comments asking why he'd want to have sex if she's pregnant? I don't see what's wrong with that. It doesn't make him "desperate", he just wanted to share an intimate moment with his wife. And women don't even start to show until their 3 to 4 months along, so if you're thinking it wouldn't be fun to have sex with her because she's "fat", that definitely wasn't the case, here.

You know you can still get your period sometimes when you're pregnant, right?