By Andrew - 20/04/2011 16:31 - United States

Today, I tried to get my wife to have sex with me, she told me she couldn't because she had her period. She's two months pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 381
You deserved it 11 721

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She just didn't want the baby to be poked by your ****.

Some women keep having periods when they are pregnant, maybe she is one of them.


SilverMinnow 0

you know, some women still have periods while they're pregnant.

my mother bled every month when she was pregnant with my little brother. she might not be lying.

cherryblossomchi 4

you should feel lucky she didn't say she was totally turned off by you

Bekkahboo1983 0

Some women have a period when they are pregnant. Get familiar, that's 5th grade info, genius!

fieldhockyluva24 4

I suggest you go back to 5th grade then. Women do not get their "period" while they are pregnant. A period is the shedding of an unfertilized egg. If she is pregnant than there is no egg to be shed. The OP's wife may not be lying about bleeding, though.

For all that said sex is no fun during prgnancy is crazy I've had two kids and both times my sex drive was higher than ever...

coletun1 0

they can still bleed during the pregnancy dumbass

you should tell her that sex doesnt hurt the baby

It is possible to have a period while pregnant, whether any of you know it or not.

keyt1347 1

its still possible to have your period wen prego :p