By Andrew - 20/04/2011 16:31 - United States

Today, I tried to get my wife to have sex with me, she told me she couldn't because she had her period. She's two months pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 381
You deserved it 11 721

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She just didn't want the baby to be poked by your ****.

Some women keep having periods when they are pregnant, maybe she is one of them.


ErosHypnos 0

A woman can have a period whilst pregnant dumbass.

this makes no sense because if she's pregnant why do you want to have sex with her?

u cN still have period while pregnant also maybe she didnt want to have sex if shes latr on in the pregnancy it could cause her to have the baby pre maturely

To all you men, women can have a period in the first trimester. On the other hand, are you sure the kid is yours?

Umm excuse every one who says you cant. Your seriously confused. You can have your period when your prego. My mother had her period through out her pragnacy with me and my sister did to when she was prego. And Im an LMT thats going to become a doula. And it is medically possible to have your period. Which is another reason why alot of women dont know that theyre pregnant until they develope a belly or the baby is on their way.

fieldhockyluva24 4

can you tell me waht your definition of a period is then because the definition i know can not happen while pregnant..

dude she is Preggo get with the program u ain't going to have sex for years

GravityPurple 0

Some bleeding is normal during pregnancy though, isn't it?

starreyes988 0

maybe your just not that good

dude if I wuz 2 months pregnate i wuldnt wunna ****!