By Anonymous - 15/02/2010 01:49 - United States

Today, my wife came home drunk, telling me all about this amazing man she met at the club with her friends, and how she wanted to have sex with him but couldn't because she was on her period. What a present. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 607
You deserved it 2 549

Same thing different taste

Top comments

seanseansean321 0

time to ditch her and find you a new lady :/

You should get her saying that on tape and play it back to the judge during your divorce hearing. :-)


seanseansean321 0

time to ditch her and find you a new lady :/

seanseansean321 0

just to piss people off. I got first comment!!! :D

annoy husband: I was thinking 3 way tommorow wife:Sounds good

icall_BS 0

You should **** the guy in front of your wife and you will either have new found respect from your wife, become gay and feel no guilt for ditching her, or end up in a threesome. Either way you cant lose.

Oh yeah if I was you I'll grow a pair a kick the other guys ass

Trust me, she already ****** him. She's just sparing you the pain.

AngryNinja 1

agreed with 41. she's just saying she didn't because she's bleeding her guts out. if she turns up pregnant, it wasn't the milk man!

who cares anymore? it was funny back in the 90's. lamo - lmao

yea, sorry op but she probebly has cheated on you...

someone needs bitched slapped. put your woman in her place

seanseansean321 0

yeah look at who posted the first comment, then look at my name. isn't it weird that number 1 and number 3 are posted by THE SAME PERSON?!?

JinxSNC 0

^ You must be SO proud of yourself!!! Holy shit you got first AND third!! your mother and I are very proud, son. :)

Deabells 0

is your wife on birth control ? trust me, the weight gain is more noticeable than the periods if she is on depo provera.

Andystylish 0

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when you are drunk, you speak the truth. duhhhh

perdix 29

ImFoe, Classical Latin, FTW! ;)

EllyH 0

Hmm, well she probobly just wanted to piss you off.. looks like it worked..

You should get her saying that on tape and play it back to the judge during your divorce hearing. :-)

zebra_pillow 0

how ****** up tell her when she's sober and then break up with her!

armadilloz 0

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That was me,but don't worry.I would not have banged that drunk *****!!