By QuietGirlSucks - 30/08/2016 15:51 - United States - Baltimore

Today, I tried talking to the very quiet girl in my grade. We were having a conversation when a very hot guy walked into the cafeteria. I said to the girl, "The things I would do for him…" She looked at me dead in the eye and said, "That's my boyfriend." FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 738
You deserved it 4 718

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Quietgirlsucks" you know, just because apparently even though she's quiet, she can get shit done instead of just staring at a guy and commenting on how hot and dreamy he is. So lame, right ?

Maybe she's only quiet around you then, how often do you even see her?


That really could've happened to anyone

Quiet girl is just defending her territory, relax.

This might get downvoted but whatever. You deserve it purely for the name. She is under no obligation to be latched onto her boyfriend 24/7 and maybe you'll learn some better icebreakers instead.

Even if that wasn't her boyfriend that's still a creepy thing to say about a guy to someone you just met. Maybe talk about normal things instead of eye ******* random guys with strangers.