By Jaayoung23 - 14/01/2010 15:47 - France

Today, my sister won a bet. She bet my best friend a burrito that I wouldn't lose my virginity within a year. I am twenty and have to drive my friend to Del Taco so he can buy my sister her victory burrito cause I didn't get laid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 706
You deserved it 4 411

Same thing different taste

Top comments

emmmilyyy 0

u don't have to drive anyone anywhere. have some dignity.

don't take it too hard on yourself. don't be in such a rush. save it for someone who cares fo you as you do them


good get married first. marriage sex feels so much better.

emmmilyyy 0

u don't have to drive anyone anywhere. have some dignity.

don't take it too hard on yourself. don't be in such a rush. save it for someone who cares fo you as you do them

Seconded. I'm not sure why so many people are in a rush to give it up as soon as possible to someone they don't even feel anything for. : (

are you that desperate to lose it? Del Taco is nasty

namhowell 6

You can be one of those who save it til marriage and rub it in people's faces then. But realistically, yeah, FYL.

At least your friend best on you losing it. Also it's a bit creapy that your sister wanto to know about your sex life (or lack of it)

Yeah, FYL because you didn't sleep with someone for some pointless statistic.

perdix 29

You ought to fill your sister's burrito with your personal supply of sour cream.