
By uglyswimmer - 23/04/2009 01:58 - United States

Today, I was talking to a swimmer I just met. I saw a cute guy and whispered to her, "That guy is hot." She asked "Who?" I pointed at him. She turned to see him, then turned back to me and said "Ew, that's my brother." She went to him, whispered something. He turned around to see me and said, "EW." FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 646
You deserved it 7 749

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh no, some guy you don't even know shot you down because he wasn't physically attracted to you. What are you, 14?

AK 2

What's wrong with that girl? Someone tells her that they thinks her brother is hot, and she goes and tells her brother right away in front of the girl? Sounds kind of rude to me.


Oh no, some guy you don't even know shot you down because he wasn't physically attracted to you. What are you, 14?

dakins 0

Regardless that's a really terrible shot to your self esteem, no matter how old you are. There are far better ways to indicate you aren't interested in a person.

str8upmobbin 0

They sure do like the word 'ew,' don't they? lol #2. Exactly.

arichi 0

You don't even know what she whispered to him. It might have been something unrelated to you, deliberately disgusting, to get you to think he was referring to you. Long story short (too late), yes, this story is f-ed, but for what it's worth, he might not think you're ugly.

Given the context of the story, it's safe to imply that that was what the brother was thinking.

If you look at the profiles on this site then chances are the OP really is 14 :P (Most of you are still kids!)

KeithHarris 0

I think your friend just twat blocked you from getting with her brother

Maybe it's just me, but I can't see the problem. Lol. In 1 week you've forgot all about it anyway.

lol @ #7 harden up OP, so some guy you don't know isn't physically attracted to you, who cares

Loe_307 0

Sounds like yall were meant for each other lol.