Extreme drying

By Anonymous - 02/06/2020 05:00

Today, I was drying my duvet and pillows in the dryer. Apparently, one of the pillows was memory foam, which I was not aware of. It caught on fire due to the heat and nearly burned down my laundry room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 138
You deserved it 817

Same thing different taste

Top comments

how would you not be aware of something like that? a regular pillow and a memory foam one feel totally different and look different as well.

Why the hell wouldn’t you look before washing it?!


how would you not be aware of something like that? a regular pillow and a memory foam one feel totally different and look different as well.

Why the hell wouldn’t you look before washing it?!

Wadlaen 23

And it will never forget about that...