C/A unt

By Anonymous - 04/01/2023 03:00

Today, I had to listen to my ridiculously judgmental aunt bitching about how America “let a criminal back onto the streets” because Brittney Griner (or “that bitch”, as she called her) “couldn’t be a decent person”. I can’t believe I share DNA with this cunt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 563
You deserved it 1 110

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She committed a misdemeanor that a Russian would just pay a fine. Her crime was being American just before Putin's war crime spree.

The Russian government claims she committed a crime. She agreed with them in court because they punish you even more if you don't plead guilty and agree that you did what they say you did. I guess it all depends on if you believe the Russian government or not.


Technically, she did commit a crime in some way shape or form. But I agree she could've committed much worse than drugs. Your holier-than-thou aunt needs to stuff it.

The Russian government claims she committed a crime. She agreed with them in court because they punish you even more if you don't plead guilty and agree that you did what they say you did. I guess it all depends on if you believe the Russian government or not.

She committed a misdemeanor that a Russian would just pay a fine. Her crime was being American just before Putin's war crime spree.

YLS but try and stay away from toxic family members as much as possible.

Weird thing to feel strongly about. Did Britney steal her man or something?

I mean, the trade-off wasn't even a good one. Russia gets a terrorist back while we get a basketball player? Yet a veteran has been there for how many years and he's still there? What's so great about Griner, anyway? She did something illegal and got punished. That's how it's supposed to be. I do NOT think she was worth releasing a terrorist for.