By LockandKey - 24/02/2009 23:28 - United States

Today, everyone at school was talking about some guy that did another girl while he was going out with someone. I started to spread the rumor myself, until someone told me that that guy was my boyfriend. The other girl was my best friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 346
You deserved it 28 276

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cloudy_fml 0

What's more awesome than spreading rumors? Spreading rumors you know absolutely nothing about! That'll teach ya.

That's why you shouldn't spread rumors. Sorry about your boyfriend/best friend situation, though :(


That's why you shouldn't spread rumors. Sorry about your boyfriend/best friend situation, though :(

If the OP was willing to spread the rumour herself knowing it would hurt certain people, then there shouldn't be anything wrong with this...YDI, OP

iliveinthesky_fml 0

that's what you get, betch.

Dr_Phil 0

How did you spread a rumor and not know that the names involved with it were yours, your boyfriends', and you best friends'?

Cloudy_fml 0

What's more awesome than spreading rumors? Spreading rumors you know absolutely nothing about! That'll teach ya.

Herbs_Special 0
adelaide_evening 0

I agree with number three. For some reason, I think this is a fake. Generally, when you spread rumors, you don't say "Yeah, so, did you hear this one guy cheated on his girlfriend with someone else?" when you have no idea who the people are. It kind of defeats the purpose of rumors and spreading gossip, and sounds more like a movie summary.

goosenotchicken 0

this is really almost a good reason to spread rumors. it ended up being true, and you probably wouldn't have found out about the cheating otherwise..

FriedChicken 0

Lamest. Rumor. Ever. OMG! Did you hear that there was a guy who cheated on his girlfriend? OMG! They were like, totally still dating!