By subduedbeast - 27/10/2014 18:48 - United States

Today, I took my girlfriend for what I thought would be a romantic horse-drawn carriage ride. We didn't expect the horse to die in the middle of it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 292
You deserved it 4 295

Same thing different taste


Maybe it's not a sign. My god OP, how much do you weigh?!

52 - It was a horse drawn CARRIAGE ride. Not horse-back riding.

Probably as much as your horse teeth do. Jerk.

Probably as much as your horse teeth do. Jerk.

incoherentrmblr 21

This horse is no more! It has ceased to be!...

#85 We kind of established that already.

Here in Poland, in the mountains, horses die quite regularly because they are forced to draw carriages overloaded with tourists. So yes, it is possible to kill a horse if the carriage is too heavy.

Well I weigh about 206 and she only weighs about 130 so I don't think we were too heavy

Goblin182 26

#85, I got the Monty Python reference.

Not saying you should take this as a bad omen or anything, but you should take this as a bad omen.

ahippienamedrae 10

Aww that sucks, for you guys and the horse ):

That took me by surprise! When u was reading I thought it would be like a horse shat on his girlfriend or something similar, but I did not expect them to die! This needs a follow-up!

What would the follow up be? Funeral details for the horse?

Hopefully the relationship is more stable then the horse

HAY man, this was a BARN enough pun to make me say NEIGH never again

Sophosaurusrex 9

Alright #22, Don't flog a dead horse, ya failed dude.

Hay 30 don't ride sea biscuit so hard. Foal attitudes never prevail. Edit oh damn his username is sea biscuit . I literally chuckled out loud.

I'm ashamed of what I've done but the replies were great xD

I hope you guys still had fun up until that moment! Sorry about the whole situation.

That is definitely not how i expected that sentence to end....

I was expecting it to end with a romantic horse BBQ.

83 horse is actually a delicacy in many countries. I an not beyond the idea of trying it once just to see how it tastes. In this situation I would pass though

How long will it take for someone to use 'beating a dead horse' puns?