By subduedbeast - 27/10/2014 18:48 - United States

Today, I took my girlfriend for what I thought would be a romantic horse-drawn carriage ride. We didn't expect the horse to die in the middle of it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 278
You deserved it 4 288

Same thing different taste


You should not have been HORSING around! Anyone? No? Ok.... That does suck though OP.

I know the horses need to relax, but that's a tad more relaxed than you want them to get.

I'm sorry you feel that we somehow Contributed to this very old horses death caused by old age. And that you feel the need to call my girlfriend and I the slang word for a male appendage.

You did in a way, by supporting a business that exploits horses. Hope it didn't ruin you guys' day though.

Exploiting suggests neglect. No exploitation was done. Draft horses are bred for this. It's what they do, it's what they love to do. But if that is exploitation, than are pet stores any different? You have no problem going to a pet shop and buying a puppy, but is that not (by the same logic) exploiting a puppy for monetary gain?

Horses shouldn't be forced to pull carriages all day :(

Those horses are often mistreated. I will never spend money to keep things like that in business. Do something romantic together that actually helps people or animals--that would be a truly romantic thing in my opinion.

This is why horse-drawn carriage rides should be illegal!! It's torture for the horses!