By Anonymous - 19/09/2016 14:03 - United States

Today, because of the gas crisis in my state, we had to stop taking delivers at the pizza place I work at. Someone asked if we could walk it to them. My manager agreed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 831
You deserved it 823

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"The Krusty Krab pizza, is the pizza, for you and me." On a side note, in which state do you live that you have a fuel shortage? Gas is $2 a gallon by me.

Does the 30 minutes or less policy still apply? I'd expect a timely delivery and nothing less.


Coccinelle_fml 15

That sucks OP, but think of all the Pokemon Go eggs you will hatch while doing your job.

Does the 30 minutes or less policy still apply? I'd expect a timely delivery and nothing less.

skyttlz 32

The dominos I work at quit doing "30 minutes or it's free" in 1995. I don't think very many places do it anymore. Too many driver at-fault wrecks, speeding, red light running, and unfortunately some of this dangerous driving ended in fatalities.

Shay_Shay97 23

Well, you could buy a bike or something. I just saw one of those Razor scooters at Walmart for like $60.

Make sure it is not far. The contract of your job surely said drive not walk.

Tell your manager good luck and to be sure to stay hydrated during that walk!

OP is in the US and most jobs do not have a contract here. It's only special cases and true "contract work" that would have that.

"The Krusty Krab pizza, is the pizza, for you and me." On a side note, in which state do you live that you have a fuel shortage? Gas is $2 a gallon by me.

Could be Alabama. We're in a state of emergency right now due to a fuel spill.

josiemorehouse 12

Same here in Georgia, we're experiencing gas shortages too.

A good chunk of the South and East Coast are facing a fuel crisis. A pipeline broke somewhere (Alabama?) and it's the main supplier to that region.

chrisbeaudoin 26

Can you guys tell me how much exactly? Where i live it is $.969, (about $3.66 us gallon)

Bike and buy a cruiser board(not a longboard)

What's the difference between and cruiser board and a longboard? I am genuinely curious as I have a long board and would've thought they were one in the same.

chrisbeaudoin 26

Cruisers are typically shorter and sometimes have a tail on the back. In my opinion a longboard is more convenient than a cruiser for this situation.

If better be getting a hefty tip for walking it. Lol

And you need to keep it level. If cheese gets stuck to the lid, no tip for you!

amileah13 26

This is definitely FYL worthy. Shit that sucks, I hope it gets better where you're at.