By CrappyLuck - 04/08/2011 02:43 - United States

Today, I took my 8 month-old to Urgent Care due to extreme constipation. I spent $25 for my son to poop on me the second the doctor had me remove his diaper. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 820
You deserved it 4 260

Same thing different taste


Sucks to be you, cause here in Canada you wouldn't have to pay any money!

Professor59 2

$25? Sounds like a bargain!

fll0416 0

Today my boyfriend broke up with me, even though I caught him cheating the week before and decided to give him another chance. I'm only 14. FML

Nuahavizu 17

25$ isnt too bad of a price to get shat on. i hear in germany it costs a lot more than that.

What the **** is that supposed to mean?

So, you'd rather have a sick 8-month old than have a healthy kid and be down 25 bucks?

That doesnt even need urgent care. Just ExLax.