By CrappyLuck - 04/08/2011 02:43 - United States

Today, I took my 8 month-old to Urgent Care due to extreme constipation. I spent $25 for my son to poop on me the second the doctor had me remove his diaper. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 820
You deserved it 4 260

Same thing different taste


I think parents have the tendency to get mad at their kids once they know they are ok in worrisome situations. But this could have been a lot more expensive than $25. You must have good insurance... And thank goodness your son ended up being alright.

pinknpurplez 10

That's kids for ya! Lol, like how they can be really, really poorly and lifeless, high temp etc but the min you get to docs they perk up!!x

What did you expect him to do, OP? He was under pressure!

Apparently wen my bff was little she was constupated and her parents gave her prune juice. At dinner time she farted and poop shot out of her diaper at 90 degrees!!! Hahahaaa

That sucks, hope ur baby feels better.?

well just think of it as an invesment, you know you are going to be saying this story to its gf/bf when its a teen :) then we are going to read his/her FML.

and soon everyone will see a fml about having his hand crapped on by a baby that had 'constipation' xD

dfishfan 0

When a girl does's way more expensive!...

Yarrachel 16

My parents once spent hours in the ER with my baby sister who wouldn't stop sobbing in pain for unknown reasons. As soon as they were called to see a doctor, she let out a huge belch, then smiled happily.