Never go public

By Anonymous - 07/04/2021 20:00

Today, I learned to keep your posts private on social media. Your boss might find your Facebook status updates saying, “I hate this shitty 9-5, I want to be on a beach with a margarita.” I got a call from him saying, “You’re terminated from the shitty 9-5, so you don’t have to anymore. Enjoy the beach!” FML
I agree, your life sucks 407
You deserved it 2 698

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Go enjoy the beach. While you're at it, practice using a diary too.

YDI. If you going to bitch about your job on any social media, use a fake name and never post pictures of yourself on it, that way your boss can’t find it. My job thinks I don’t have any social media posts, yet I do.


Go enjoy the beach. While you're at it, practice using a diary too.

YDI. If you going to bitch about your job on any social media, use a fake name and never post pictures of yourself on it, that way your boss can’t find it. My job thinks I don’t have any social media posts, yet I do.

People are allowed to complain and talk about their jobs people like you aren't necessarily in the wrong for saying keep it private but making it their fault versus the companies or bosses specifically feelings that decide whether not Someone keeps a job is the problem

Not if you live in states that allow you to be fired for any simple reason (AKA right to work states). In those states, you can be fired for any reason at any time. I’m not saying it’s right, just seen way too many times in the past of good people being fired for saying stuff about their jobs on social media. That’s why I don’t use my real name on any social media site.

Jon Tessler 14

no, it actually is not illegal. that's why the GOP wants all states to be right to work states. it can blunt the support for unions to form, making it easier for a person to be fired.

Ah yeah you're right. The only time social media posts can't get you fired is if they're about workplace harassment and similar protected things, or information that would be included as discriminatory if they fire you for knowing. However now that they're fired they can openly say how much they hated the 9-5 and their boss was a dick. Any more specific about who did it and they'd sue for slander, which is obviously going to fail if they bring up a test message that said they were fired for a social media post, that is a dick move lol

Both YDI and FYL. So you want only night shifts or you'd rather wake up at 5 am. On the other hand your boss shouldn't fire you for a personal opinion.

The beach is always going to be better than work. I don’t know what he expected you to say. Still, to be honest, good workers are hard to find and if he let you go for that, chances are you haven’t been meeting expectations.