By CrappyLuck - 04/08/2011 02:43 - United States

Today, I took my 8 month-old to Urgent Care due to extreme constipation. I spent $25 for my son to poop on me the second the doctor had me remove his diaper. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 820
You deserved it 4 260

Same thing different taste


Me too. It ended up being over a $100 the last time I went there for an ear infection.

Oh no! 25 dollars!!!! No food for a week kids!!

It's a baby he can't help help It an 25$ come on r u really tht much of a cheapskate!!!

Why urgent care and not an enema? Maybe if his diaper wasn't full to the point of causing the ability to lay a load impossible you could of saved your money.

JPLovesAnimals 4

It's on $25. And least it wasn't serious.

OsirisFaction_fml 5

He was just waiting for the right Stewie Gryphon.

ifrigginheartyou 8
BelleBelle_fml 11

At least you're a good parent who actually cares about their child's well-being. Even though the problem corrected itself after you had paid for the visit, you can rest well knowing that you did the right thing. Props.