By Anonymous - 20/04/2009 18:22 - United States

Today, I told my mom that I was taking antidepressants because I hate myself. She said "That's not surprising. You hate everybody. And, you're kind of a bitch." FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 042
You deserved it 23 589

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Maybe you should recommend those drugs to your mom...but then again you could be a bitch :D

"Today, my daughter told me she was on anti-depressants. I told her, 'That's not surprising. You hate everybody. And you're kind of a bitch.' 10 hours later, she burst through the door with a tommy gun. FML"


ROFL. Cry more. hahahahahahaha. Ur mom is awesome. Why not try to be happier and NOT be a bitch? :P

psychonurse 0

Sounds like those antidepressants are a good idea!

You deserve it if even your own mother thinks you're a bitch. Hopefully the pills work for you. Also, #170, that's not ironic at all.

That was mean of the mother, but I don't think she'd say it for no reason ... She may have a point.

I'm with 173... she probably wouldn't say it unless it was true to an extent

I think this FML is far to general to really understand whats going on/ judge. Chances are it's a little bit of both of them creating the problem Sometimes people need to be told to stop whining and keep moving in their life. others need to be "coddled" (sp?) in order to feel better and succeed. you would think that your mom would pick up on which type of person you are.... but apparently not. or she is also just in need of medication. i do know what its like to have your mom say the absolute worst things to you.... hope everything works out

Depends what you mean when you say you're depressed. Depression is a serious medical condition, but nowadays people throw the word around whenever they feel a bit down, so it's lost most of it's meaning. If you're actually depressed, then FYL, and if not, YDI.

dizzzane 0

one of you is a douche, the question is... which one?

tomahhtoe 0

Damn, that had to be a big wake up call for you. Sometimes the truth hurts.

simplewhimsy 0

Well, is what your mom said true?