By keepsmiling - 02/09/2009 11:19 - France

Today, I thought it would be sexy to surprise my boyfriend by hiding in the closet naked and pouncing on him as he came to get his pants. I never got to the pouncing. Apparently my boyfriend has heightened reflexes so instead I got slapped hard across the face. My ear is still ringing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 406
You deserved it 47 596

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for hiding in someone else's closet... What the heck?


omg im first, omg omg omg im gonna faint

triplefmylife 0

I agree....there's nothing sexy about this at all.

LMAO! I found this funny, too bad for you though. I hope he didn't leave a bruise. ´*•.¸(*•.¸♥¸.•*´)¸.•*´ ♥«´¨`•°αυ∂яιиα°•´¨`»♥ .¸.•*(¸.•*´♥`*•.¸)`*•.

beelzebub777 0

you're boyfriend slaps? He's either french or thought it was his own supressed ****-sexuality jumping out at him.

jess_00 0

...Well it does say from France...

sexymessy 0

Agreed #156. He slapped you?? LOL. Well the only good thing about that is he didn't punch you. But FYL for having a sissy bf. Just kidding 8 )

nah, i think it would have been more sissy if he cowered and wet his pants, but thats just me.

YDI for hiding in someone else's closet... What the heck?

fmlfmlfml15 0

I automatically thought of Shakira's song, she wolf "There's a she wolf in your closet, let it out so it can breath" .....or in this case so it can pounce on you

Oops! I did that to a guy telling a joke which involved putting his hands really fast close to my head. :| He must be embarrassed, go hug him or something. :) At least it wasn't his mom or something, that's what I thought it would be when I started reading. And how would it be sexy? Funny, yes, sexy, no.

the_stereotype 0

at least it wasn't his mother or something doing the laundry. that would have been awful.

at least it wasn't his mum or any of his family members that walked in you instead. that could've been worse. but ydi. he would've slapped you if you'd pounced on him, if not before - which he did.

your boyfriend slaps someone who attacks him, what a bitch

Never under estimate the power of the back hand. btw ydi