By porkabye - 02/08/2014 23:44 - United States - Duluth

Today, upon arriving at a town festival, I was immediately singled out by a rent-a-cop. He began questioning if I had been drinking, saying he smelt it on my breath. He smelt his own breath. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 492
You deserved it 3 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"No, sir, it's you who stinks of booze." I wonder how that went down.

Ask him you could borrow his beer goggles since he must have the latest generation. You know, the ones that affect your sense of smell.


"No, sir, it's you who stinks of booze." I wonder how that went down.

cryssycakesx3 22

everything's "ironic" these days...

Its like raaaaaaain on your festival Its like a drug teest tesst that you'll always fail

Yeah, sorry OP, that was pretty irresponsible of him.

Ask him you could borrow his beer goggles since he must have the latest generation. You know, the ones that affect your sense of smell.

It is said that vodka is the best liquor to drink to avoid alcohol breath. Experiment time?

Heard that too.. i had a buddy who would drink milk and vodka every morning, but the thought makes my stomach churn!

A white russion fir breakfast. The Big Lowbowski would be so proud

ostfaiz 18

Cops with a twist! bad experience Op... hope you enjoy later (Y)

Well that stinks. *slaps knee* Sorry, OP! I hope you reported him to the company from which he was rented.