By tara22 - 27/04/2009 23:15 - United States

Today, my boyfriend thought it would be sexy to throw me against the wall and kiss me like they do in the movies. Being all aggressive and smooth, he grabs my shirt and pushes me. He pushed a little too hard and my head was thrown back into the wall. I was knocked out for ten minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 173
You deserved it 6 303

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#1, #8, I hope you're kidding. It was an accident, he wasn't raping her. Learn the difference. If you're not kidding, I'd hate to be the guy with either of you. He'd put his arm around you and you'd run away screaming "BAD TOUCH BAD TOUCH!"

HAHAHAHAHA. Did you check to see he waited to have sex with you until you were conscious?


truslide 0

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Macromartyr 3

HAHAHAHAHA. Did you check to see he waited to have sex with you until you were conscious?

"K.O.! and you're out for the count!" But seriously OP, i would prefer blacking out from the force of the climax. Secondly, was the swelling on your head bigger than the swelling in his pants? I've a third point to make, but i don't want to try too hard! *OUCH*

more like F his life.. I bet he felt horrible

I think she probably felt horrible to!!! she probably has a massive headache

Wowww that sucks! Your bf needs to learn his own strength!!!

L0l, cute. Points for creativity though! An experience you'd never forget =D

yeah... at least he tried to do something romantic for you... it's the thought right?

Best 10 minutes of my... I mean... his life, I'm sure.

#1, #8, I hope you're kidding. It was an accident, he wasn't raping her. Learn the difference. If you're not kidding, I'd hate to be the guy with either of you. He'd put his arm around you and you'd run away screaming "BAD TOUCH BAD TOUCH!"

My boyfriend and I tried to get hot and heavy against the wall too. He couldn't support my weight (though I'm 107lbs) and down I went, hitting my head against the other wall and scraping my body against the side. So no worries, it happens to everyone.

je_suis_fml 11

Um, not quite "everyone"...