By Anonymous - 22/10/2010 01:03 - France

Today, I teach English in Taiwan. I got two new students, brothers named Harry and Potter. People, they're children, not pets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 687
You deserved it 5 051

Same thing different taste

Top comments

f their lives ;) I went to school with a Harriet potter and that was kinda bad


dude their mom prolly named em after the books b movies

Can we report comments for pure stupidity? Just wondering.....totally don't think this is stupid or anything. *puts hands in pockets and attempts to casually whistle*

and why is this an fml? I don't see how their names have a negative impact on your life?

I was thinking about the same thing too!

not all cultures are alike. sometimes they intersect in weird ways. this being one of them. harry is also a people name. potter not so much. though it is taiwan. also, op sure went to taiwan with a closed mind...

boycrazy30007 12

Potter is actually a people name in some countries we have an exchange student named potter and I know a few through pen pals

I know twins named Mona and Lisa. Also some boys who named themselves Day And Night. (3 guys lol)

I have to agree with OP. Maybe to a western cultured person it does seem ridiculous and cruel to name your children that. However, to a lot of eastern cultures, they do some pretty strange things that are normal to them. Which they would think the same of us Im sure

Actually, i'm sure Harry and Potter are just their "for English purposes names" its very common for Chinese, Taiwanese and Cantonese people to have a English-type name to use when talking to western people, but they still consider their Chinese name (the one spelled in Chinese characters) to be their REAL name, and thus, their English names aren't really so important, and its ok if they are a bit funny.

Right, KnightOnline. I have two sets of names. Also, it may not be all that funny to them. If it is a fairly rural area, they may not know many English names so they go with something popular and easy to pronounce. I would suggest you learn the customs of the country you live in, OP, and don't be so judgemental.

Agreed, my boyfriend's family had a Taiwanese exchange student. Him and his twin brother were both here at the same time. Their English names were Thomas and Edison, so I'm going to say this is a fairly common thing to happen. However, those certainly weren't their real names. I also had a friend in high school whose name was Tri, but we all just called him Dan.

58 and IF, I thought the same thing. I taught conversational ESL in China for a few months, and many students picked their own English name to use in classes long before enrolling in our particular workshop. I knew a huge Disney fangirl named Mickey, a guy who studied in Dublin named O'Conner (and boy, did he pick up the brogue), and one rather amazing student named Tom Cruise. He taught himself American cadence, speech patterns, gesturing, and idioms by watching and imitating the actor. You could definitely identify the various characters' influence as he talked. Each class also gave us Chinese names; mine was always Wawa, ie "baby doll."

Mickey actually sounds really adorable as a name.

sweetTnt_fml 0

your life isn't effed. SCHUPID!

What sort of crazy parent would call their kid Harry?! Oh, pardonnez-moi - I have to go, my Mercedes is waiting out the front of the hotel...

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CharlieAndChapli 0

nope, my Biology teacher just named her son Edward Cullen Robinson. he goes by Cullen. i feel so sorry for him.

That's pretty disgusting. I would never torture a child with such a horrible name.

munkee_6669 0

reminds me of a cop I know, officer Ben Dover lol