Lockdown throwback!

By Let it bleed - 09/05/2024 15:00 - United States

Today, my brother is staying over for a while. I thought I was prepared for this, but I totally forgot that he is inexplicably prone to having random nosebleeds. He's going through my Kleenex faster than a horny teenage boy left alone in his room. Time to hoard Kleenex like how people hoarded toilet paper in 2020. FML
I agree, your life sucks 381
You deserved it 97

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Vesi 29

Costco (see if someone with a membership can give you a gift card) back corner, kleenex in a 6" square box, packs of 12.. we have to keep them all over our house for the same reason. Good luck! www.costco.com/kleenex-ultra-soft-facial-tissue%2c-3-ply%2c-85-count%2c-12-pack.product.11680104.html

you can get surgery to correct this, they cauterize the blood vessels in your nose. It can also be a sign of cancer but I think you both probably would have noticed that by now though I would think.


Vesi 29

Costco (see if someone with a membership can give you a gift card) back corner, kleenex in a 6" square box, packs of 12.. we have to keep them all over our house for the same reason. Good luck! www.costco.com/kleenex-ultra-soft-facial-tissue%2c-3-ply%2c-85-count%2c-12-pack.product.11680104.html

you can get surgery to correct this, they cauterize the blood vessels in your nose. It can also be a sign of cancer but I think you both probably would have noticed that by now though I would think.

d j mom 8

he really needs to get that checked out by a doc.

Get a stack of cheap towels in a dark color. Blood washes out in cold water, and if they stain, it's not like he's using them in public.