By harrypottermuch - 26/11/2009 11:50 - Canada

Today, I found out there's a Harry Potter club at my school. My boyfriend is in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 341
You deserved it 43 088

Same thing different taste

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F his life for having a shallow girl friend that cannot accept his interests.


Dammit I was never good enough to join the Harry potter club at my school.... :( FML

Exactly. What the ****? how is this a negative thing? ... this would kinda turn me on. infact, send me his number. ill be happy to fly on his broomstick. *bu dum bum pshhh*

There're worse clubs he could join. Harry Potter is freaking awesome, deal with it.

F his life for having a shallow girl friend that cannot accept his interests.

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AndelleRae 9

Ehh, I really don't think this is an FML. At least it's a well written, interesting series that's made for both adults and children. Now, if there were a Twilight club and he were a member of it, I'd suggest you look up the term "beard." THAT would be an FML situation.

See, that's just straight-out complaining. Get over yourself.