By Anonymous - 07/05/2011 00:22 - United States

Today, I stubbed my toe against the corner of my bed, causing me to gasp and moan in pain. My parents overheard, and now I'm getting the full coming of age talk and how I shouldn't lie about what I was doing. I didn't do anything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 508
You deserved it 4 692

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fatalkiss 0

My parents were all, "orgasms are natural & beautiful things, after all, thats how we created you."

BugsBunny1 4

For some reason, your username and comment look very strange together.


GeneralGreivous3 0

I sometimes do that too. You know, stub my toe. But I scream into my pillow so no one notices.

shrimp1234 4

You should ask them about the moaning in THEIR room.

Only ask if you actually want to know..

Osama bin laden! just thought I would point that out... where is justin beaver?

It's always better to cuss when you hurt yourself. Mythbusters has proved that cussing relieves pain.

GeneralGreivous3 0

Oh then I've been doing the right thing :)

sydmadhurf 6

hmm I heard mythbusters I WRONG. cussing is BAD

Of course they're (as you would say) WRONG! They only do real experiments to get real test results to present an informed conclusion.

sydmadhurf 6

I totally have NO idea what u just said.. u outsmarted me:/

sydmadhurf 6

ok that was rude. and unnecessary. people these days

just simply tell them you stubbed your toe, nbd.

GeneralGreivous3 0

That will take a while then.

simply_improper 1

lmao # 35, jus too cute/dumb not to laugh

u should tell them to unblock ur **** ;D

kay_joey 0
RainbowHeadache 2

I'm not sure I'd believe my kid either. But I think that's because I assume they'll be chronic masterbaters like me. lol Why did they even ask what you were going? That kind of thing you pretend not to hear so shit doesn't get awkward.

Having the libido of a horse ftw. I would probably be the same way if I ever have a kid I would be the type to creep em out and embaress em for my amusement. "So son, I heard you 10 minutes ago. Mind keepin' it down?" "WUT?! O_O" xD