Light sentence

By ClumsyTeen - 13/05/2021 23:57 - United States - Staten Island

Today, I tried to sneak in at 2 a.m. after going out, since I'm 16, but I tripped over a pair of slippers and landed flat on my face. My body fell quietly, but I let out a very loud and guttural, "Oof." After about a minute, I lifted my face to see my mom standing over me. I'm now grounded for 3 days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 272
You deserved it 2 169

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Count yourself lucky. If you were my kid you’d be lucky to get off with just a week.

Marcella1016 31

3 days? I thought that was gonna say weeks or months. Agree with the other commenter, you got off easy. Geez if that was my only punishment, I’d have snuck out way more as a teen! You’re un-grounded in time before the next weekend, when you can sneak out again lol


Count yourself lucky. If you were my kid you’d be lucky to get off with just a week.

Marcella1016 31

3 days? I thought that was gonna say weeks or months. Agree with the other commenter, you got off easy. Geez if that was my only punishment, I’d have snuck out way more as a teen! You’re un-grounded in time before the next weekend, when you can sneak out again lol

mccuish 25

I’m surprised that you only got grounded for 3 days. I was grounded for a month for sneaking out.

Wow. Only 3 days? If you were my kid that grounding would have been 3 months!

That's what you get. Did you ever stop to think about what would happen of something bad happened to you while you were out, when your parents thought you were in bed? Nobody would know you were missing until sometime in the morning.

Okay rookie, here's where you went wrong: 1) If you plan on sneaking back inside after your parents have gone to bed, take some PJs with you, change before you get inside, and if you're caught you were "getting a drink". 2) If it's a school night, you call from a friend's house before your parents go to bed, say you lost track of time while studying, get their mom/dad/whoever to agree you can spend the night, then sneak into/out of their house. 3) Never sneak out if you have siblings. Even if you get them to act as accomplices, those rat bastards will turn you in unprompted, leaving you grounded and $5 poorer. 4) Never sneak out to see a boyfriend/girlfriend. Parents know, and both sets will ground you. 5) If you make a noise that wakes your parents, tell them you thought you saw a wasp. 6) If you're not a very convincing liar, or you're an idiot, just don't sneak out.