By Anonymous - 07/05/2011 00:22 - United States

Today, I stubbed my toe against the corner of my bed, causing me to gasp and moan in pain. My parents overheard, and now I'm getting the full coming of age talk and how I shouldn't lie about what I was doing. I didn't do anything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 508
You deserved it 4 692

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fatalkiss 0

My parents were all, "orgasms are natural & beautiful things, after all, thats how we created you."

BugsBunny1 4

For some reason, your username and comment look very strange together.


oh wow I'm on the FML app for iPhone and counted 8 buried comments in a row on the first page. new record for FML?

GeneralMotors 23

that is why you should say "OWWW THAT HURT!!" when you do that.

I've never heard toe used as a euphemism for penis.

Sure 'stubbing your toe' isn't 'spanking the ferret?'

Oh don't lie. You were spanking the ferret again.