By NoRespect - 22/05/2011 19:50 - United States

Today, I spent an hour setting up a delicate display stand at work. Not five minutes later, a woman barged in with her little kid, who immediately went up to the display and tipped the whole thing over. When I called attention to the mother, she just scoffed, "Isn't this your job?" and left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 637
You deserved it 3 257

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Parents these days. And they wonder why their kids turn out the way they do...

that lady's a bitch. she could have apologized for her demented child. thats just rude regardless of OP's employment position.


OnlyAFeckWanker 0

Kids are only feckwankers

THAT! is why I always carry a machete to work!

kinga08 0

Similar thing happened at my job. A guy's son (around 3-4 years) was playing with a dangerous and heavy display and I told the father on several occasions to get his son away from it because he could really get hurt. He ignored me and his child until the display fell on the kid's face, cutting him above his eye and he started bleeding. The father felt really ******* stupid after that. Don't take children places if you will not be able to get your shit done and watch over them simultaneously.

surprised he didn't try and blame you

tykiej 0

******* stupid-ass parents. The kid doesnt know any better and the stupidass lazyass parent is just setting the kid up to fail at life

I think its ops job to make the display but its the parents job to watch their kid

yes its ops job to make the display but its the mothers job to watch her kid

DizzyDaydreams 1

Happened at the store I used to work at. Some kid (4-5 years old) was running around in the cutlery area. I kept telling the mother that the shelves are quite delicate and some cutlery might fall onto him if he rams into it. The mother ignored me and kept telling the child to do what pleasures him. (I was stocking a brand new supply of soup spoons for my job) The kid rammed into the shelf and a huge bowl fell on him. Then the mother blamed me for "allowing children to play here" and "putting dangerous items where children could get hurt". What the ****. It's her responsibility to tell her kid that running around unsupervised where he could get hurt is potentially dangerous. It's only my job to tell the mother to stop her rascal from getting hurt. I almost got fired for that.

a_nutritionist 10

depending on the economic condition and your age you should have left then and there. you have an employer who takes the word of the customer over yours and allows this kind of thing to happen, theres no point maintaining employment. if i were you id have started looking for other work or told them to shove it.

DizzyDaydreams 1

I actually did. I'm 19, and I stopped working there a few months ago. I'm rather focused on my studies now, I'll probably get a job during the summer.