By NoRespect - 22/05/2011 19:50 - United States

Today, I spent an hour setting up a delicate display stand at work. Not five minutes later, a woman barged in with her little kid, who immediately went up to the display and tipped the whole thing over. When I called attention to the mother, she just scoffed, "Isn't this your job?" and left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 637
You deserved it 3 257

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Parents these days. And they wonder why their kids turn out the way they do...

that lady's a bitch. she could have apologized for her demented child. thats just rude regardless of OP's employment position.


doglover100 28

It's a new rule, you have to parent other people's kids.

I hate people that treat workers like slaves.

isn't it her job to teach her kid respect?