By NoRespect - 22/05/2011 19:50 - United States

Today, I spent an hour setting up a delicate display stand at work. Not five minutes later, a woman barged in with her little kid, who immediately went up to the display and tipped the whole thing over. When I called attention to the mother, she just scoffed, "Isn't this your job?" and left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 637
You deserved it 3 257

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Parents these days. And they wonder why their kids turn out the way they do...

that lady's a bitch. she could have apologized for her demented child. thats just rude regardless of OP's employment position.


degrassilover21 2

Don't you love how parents reprimand their children?

adaliapeace 3

I despise parents like this... I have two kids myself, but there are some things that most parents do that just make me want to choke them. A common example is parents who let their precious spawn scream their heads off inside of a store. I don't like hearing my own kids scream, so why the hell should I make other people listen to it? I take them outside until they calm down. It's common ******* courtesy. with that kinda shit everyday lol

I would have pimp slapped her. Sometimes a bitch has to learn her place

The mother was just passing the buck. Shes making you look like youre not doing your job as a way to distact everyone that shes not doing her job as a parent. Rest assured that youre not the one with the problem, she is.

I'd have tripped the women out the door and punted the kid as far as possible... and the possibly kicked her on the ground.

Magnificent789 4

i'd be like isn't it your job to prevent raising such a little asshole? i deal with this at my job everyday. i have 5 year olds throw candy at me and tell me my mom said you're stupid and the parents just think its adorable. uhmm hellloooo would you think its adorable if it happened to you?

pcentral 17

What a bitch. People like that clearly should not be allowed to reproduce.

If that happened to me, I'd say "Excuse me?! Take responsibility for your child, ma'am!" Parents. nuff said.

My_Life24 22