By NoRespect - 22/05/2011 19:50 - United States

Today, I spent an hour setting up a delicate display stand at work. Not five minutes later, a woman barged in with her little kid, who immediately went up to the display and tipped the whole thing over. When I called attention to the mother, she just scoffed, "Isn't this your job?" and left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 637
You deserved it 3 257

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Parents these days. And they wonder why their kids turn out the way they do...

that lady's a bitch. she could have apologized for her demented child. thats just rude regardless of OP's employment position.


Such laziness in parenting these days. It's like those parents that defend their kids when they bully others. "Not my kid! Jack's a good boy! How dare you!" My theory for denying their kids bad behaviours is because you are questioning their parenting skills and no one likes to admitt that they are wrong and don't know what they are doing.

kinga08 0

Yup! Couldn't agree any more. A woman's daughter stole some money from me at my job ($50, long story, part stupidity on my behalf), and my boss called the woman back, and the mother's first response, "My daughter? Never! She carries the plate with the Eucharist at Church!" Haha, yeah ******* right bitch. Your "holy" daughter is a thief. Isn't Thou Shall Not Steal somewhere in the Ten Commandments?

sounds like a typical American parent and child. they need to beat their kids.

I'm sure there are idiotic parents/bad ass kids all over the world, not just in the U.S.

baconboy_42 8

Gah!! That's the reason kids today are crap.

kingeorge101 0
sxe_beast 11

Well isn't it your job? Get back to your job and fix that damn display!

you must not have done if well if a random kid can come right up to it and destroy it easily. learn to be more forward thinking.

Talk to her. Nothing will happen if you don't talk to her.

Shadow_Phantom 26

@64: Some people just can't be talked to. FYL OP.

dinosluver13 1

wow that's why I don't want those kinda job