Party pooper

By Uninvited - 05/12/2022 18:00

Today, I found out about my husband’s work Holiday party last night. I wasn’t invited because he told me they didn’t allow plus ones. That would be more believable if my friend who works at his same company hadn’t brought his wife there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 959
You deserved it 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe your friend is more important than your husband. Sometimes, they don't let the low-level grunts bring their low-level SO's, but the hoity-toity types can to rub their noses in it.

Nix188 13

Every company, family, and group of friends have at least one buzzkill in their group. life is easier and arguably better if you accept you might be that person. I'm that person in my group. Your husband just loves and respects you enough to hide it. this ain't an fml when you see it for what it is. let him have his fun


Maybe your friend is more important than your husband. Sometimes, they don't let the low-level grunts bring their low-level SO's, but the hoity-toity types can to rub their noses in it.

Nix188 13

Every company, family, and group of friends have at least one buzzkill in their group. life is easier and arguably better if you accept you might be that person. I'm that person in my group. Your husband just loves and respects you enough to hide it. this ain't an fml when you see it for what it is. let him have his fun