By Erasmus - 27/10/2008 03:27 - France

Today, I went to a friend's wedding. I took stupid photos all day long and when came the moment that the bride entered the church, my battery died. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 814
You deserved it 58 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xMooMoox 0

It would be worse if you were the photographer or if it was your sister or mom or something. I'm sure someone else got pictures of her. And plus your camera should have told you when it was about to die. So its your own fault. And also what was she outside? She entered the room not the church!

The same happened to me! I was on a christmas party and my mum assigned me to do the shooting! They were realy good pictures but when "Santa" came my camera died! My mom still reminds me of that day when i start shooting!


xMooMoox 0

It would be worse if you were the photographer or if it was your sister or mom or something. I'm sure someone else got pictures of her. And plus your camera should have told you when it was about to die. So its your own fault. And also what was she outside? She entered the room not the church!

Hahaha, sounds like something I would do.

That's dumb. You shouldn't take pictures during a wedding anyway, unless you're the hired photgrapher.

Knightchaser27 25

If you don't take pictures what will you post on Facebook

hahahaha that sucks man but it is kinda your fault. Although I'm positive that i would do the same.

randomegirl 0

oo that has happened to me before!! x[

The same happened to me! I was on a christmas party and my mum assigned me to do the shooting! They were realy good pictures but when "Santa" came my camera died! My mom still reminds me of that day when i start shooting!

Here's a tip, get an extra battery. And were you the photographer?

bamagrl410 31

Every professional should know to keep an extra battery on them for things like this. OP is an idiot.