By Yudith - 04/06/2019 02:00

Today, at work, a customer pulled down her pants and lifted her sweater to reveal a hole in her chest full of greenish, stinky goo. I don't work in anything health-related. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 159
You deserved it 127

Same thing different taste

Top comments

To reveal a hole in her chest full of greenish, stinky goo.


To reveal a hole in her chest full of greenish, stinky goo.

How high-waisted are her pants? Someone who wears pants that go up to their chest has worse problems than a festering open chest wound.

Okay, just to clarify, I did change some details to avoid the poor lady being recognized, but I left the size of the wound the same; big enough to go from her sagging **** all the way to her granny panties and a bit more. And yes, she did wear high-waisted pants and two sweathers; one over the pants, and one under.

manlove38 23

No picture it didn’t happen 😨

mr_dinzaster 16

That’s so so gross did you run??

pins91 27

Please proof read, admins... pulled down her pants... to show something on her chest... 🤷🏼‍♀️

Yes, and lifted her sweater. Proofread yourself, I still don't see why the situation makes any more or less sense either way. The person could've removed all of their clothes and it would still be as absurd :)

Eric Nerderman 5

it says pulled down her pants and lifted her sweater

Do you work at a home improvement store and she wanted paint mixed to match the green hue of her gangrene/infection?

Why would anyone do that?? Honestly why