By Anonymous - 07/12/2010 18:32 - United States

Today, I sent a picture to my girlfriend of my erect penis with a quote saying "It's waiting for you." She responded with a picture of her left hand showing her left ring finger with a quote saying "It's waiting for you too." FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 071
You deserved it 89 566

Same thing different taste


ulicksam 0

Showing her left ring finger on her left hand? Really? By the way, she has more reason to say FML for your text than you do of hers. You're pretty lame.

I proposed that same day, she cried and said YES YES YES!

Don't worry guys, I proposed that same day

dont worry bitch, I did. 5 G's SUCK ON THAT!

ck0251086 0

when you say that it makes me think your sleeping alone and wish you had $5 to spend on a ring!!! GET REAL

So you'd consider sex but not marrying her? You totally deserved it. She had an awesome comeback though, admit it, lmao!

reddwarf_fml 0