By Anonymous - 07/12/2010 18:32 - United States

Today, I sent a picture to my girlfriend of my erect penis with a quote saying "It's waiting for you." She responded with a picture of her left hand showing her left ring finger with a quote saying "It's waiting for you too." FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 071
You deserved it 89 565

Same thing different taste


Mallym14 0
patiencek 0

clever! if you like it then you better but a ring on it, I mean you DID give her blackmail by sending a picture.

I have black mail of her too so we're even. she got what she wanted though, 5 g's worth on her finger

It would be funnier if she was pregnant and she took a pic of her belly. :]

kkay2207 0

girlfriend definitely WINS!!!!!!!! maybe you should put a ring on it dumbass :)

CherryBomb511 3

Haha, loved this because I was getting tired of all the "put a ring on it comments". Oh and also because I'm a White Sox fan. ; )

Your girlfriend just made my day. Girlfriend: 1 you: 0