By Anonymous - 07/12/2010 18:32 - United States

Today, I sent a picture to my girlfriend of my erect penis with a quote saying "It's waiting for you." She responded with a picture of her left hand showing her left ring finger with a quote saying "It's waiting for you too." FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 071
You deserved it 89 568

Same thing different taste


haha u should keep a girl like that man she sounds ****** hilarious

just tip our cap and tell her well played!

lol She is a funny girl. She's got a good sense of humour.

horsegirl4everan 0

don't u know that she wants you to propose to her!!! I suggest you do it :)

ck0251086 0

I had to learn the hard way send her another picture of your dick tell her to shut up and suck it