By philderichmond - 14/06/2009 02:24 - United States

Today, I met a cute girl at a dance club. I entered her number in my phone just before she left the club. With a proud smile, I turned the screen towards my buddy, showing off my accomplishment. Attempting to give me a friendly pat he accidentally closed my phone. I hadn't saved the number. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 153
You deserved it 17 577

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, at least you learned that next time you should save the number before you go bragging about it.


carnage1106 0

ydi for having a flip phone and I comment on ur comment as a comment to the post wat about it

Why would you put it in and not save it? Hope you have a good memory.

gingermonster16 0

Lame. Maybe you'll run into her again sometime.

Well, at least you learned that next time you should save the number before you go bragging about it.

oh dear god that sucks ass... yea i like to call as soon as i put the number in, so they have mine and so it's saved in the outgoing calls. Bummer, maybe she'll be there again next friday/sat?

californicated 0
americuzz 8

lol that's EXACTLY what I was thinking.

supergirl93 0

Exactly what I thought. 'Oh hell, he got the cute one, I'm not gonna let him date her' xD