Jot that down

By Anonymous - 30/04/2020 02:00

Today, I wrote my phone number on a Post-it note and gave it to a cute girl at work. She immediately threw it away. In front of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 467
You deserved it 1 014

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you assume she wanted it? Or do you even know if she wants you? If it's the first one YDI.

You lucked out. I thought she was going to report you to HR.


Did you assume she wanted it? Or do you even know if she wants you? If it's the first one YDI.

tounces7 27

That's kinda one of the ways you find out if someone is interested in you. Albeit a bit of a cowardly one that generally gets rejected.

bloopaloop 27

Props for trying. That’s better than most of the losers on fml.

At least you know not to sit around and wait for her call. Or, you can hope she committed your number to memory on sight.

You lucked out. I thought she was going to report you to HR.

damn that sucks. well at least you know the answer to that.

at least she's honest by throwing it away in front of you

EmDizzle2007 28

you tried. keep that same energy, but plan your shots better

Jillian Cosby-Kelly 15

Did you even talk to her? Or just awkwardly slip her the post it. YDI

You don't want to date people you work with.