By MasterMcrib - 17/04/2016 20:33 - United States - Highland Park

Today, while walking down the street I thought it would be funny to moon a crowd of old people taking a photo, in a few seconds a couple of them started pointing in my direction... Turns out they were pointing at the car that ran me over shortly after. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 825
You deserved it 36 200

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you randomly moon old people in public? You kind of deserve it. Idiot.

iAmPaul 49

How immature of you. Instant Karma at least.


I thin you all misunderstood this comment, even though there's terrible grammar use here

iAmPaul 49

How immature of you. Instant Karma at least.

shouldn't have got caught with your pants down

Bonngoo 34

Karma got you immediately YDI

Why would you randomly moon old people in public? You kind of deserve it. Idiot.

psychopolarbear 28

There is no "kind of" in this YDI

The driver hit you because he was probably blinded by the moonlight

FryingPanHero 11

Did you seriously expect sympathy here with a story like that? YDI.

It's not surprising. Judging by his actions, he seems like the kind of guy who needs attention. To him any attention is good attention.

ShadowlessSpear 21

Why do you assume the post is to garner sympathy?

#66 Generally people post an FML to have others agree that their life sucks. Sympathy is basically that.

If he didn't want sympathy for his stupidity, he wouldn't have posted it.

Half the shit on here doesn't deserve sympathy. It's mostly people whining about tiny things, or people posting retarded shit they did - like this post.

You looked at old people, and the first rational thought that came into your head was:"let me moon these people." To tell you the truth I literally can not understand how that idea would even materialize?