Checked out

By Anonymous - 21/09/2019 16:01

Today, at work, an old lady was staring at my crotch a lot. I looked down, thinking maybe I had an open fly. I didn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 407
You deserved it 173

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What do you think keeps Chippendale's in business?

My late father used to say, "Dirty old men need love too." Apparently that also applies to dirty old women. 😁


What kind of work is it? If you're a stripper, getting your crotch watched is part of the job.

I doubt that many old women frequent strip clubs. Perhaps OP had an admirable "camel toe?" ;-)

What do you think keeps Chippendale's in business?

She was probably curious about your package.

My late father used to say, "Dirty old men need love too." Apparently that also applies to dirty old women. 😁