By Ash - 27/05/2009 03:08 - United States

Today, I saw this tourist almost get hit by a cab. After he walked away I complained to my boyfriend about how idiotic people like him just deserve to die. After 5 blocks of my ranting the tourist turns around and says "I'm right in front of you bitch." I hid behind my laughing boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 501
You deserved it 88 621

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Holy crap, you ranted for five blocks? About how he deserved to *die*?! Anger issues much?

ManiMartinixo 0


alex_vik 0

Five whole blocks of ranting? I don't blame your boyfriend for laughing at your idiocy. YDI

Ok you were talking shit about someone for something that was none of your darn business and then you don't even have the balls to face that person? I would suggest you think about your rant because you were probably talking about yourself. YDI.

mimblewimble_fml 0
xThatRandomGirlx 0

What the **** is your problem? YOU DESERVE IT.

scorpioserpent 1

YDI for ranting for 5 blocks. That's rude and a bit psycho. If you can't resist being a bitch, at least just make a comment once, and let it drop.

Roxas_fml 0

YDI for being a total bitch.

konstantdreamer8 0

One could argue that bitches deserve to die too :)

If you got hit by a car and died, I wouldn't feel bad at all. YDI.

un_loved3947 0