By Ash - 27/05/2009 03:08 - United States

Today, I saw this tourist almost get hit by a cab. After he walked away I complained to my boyfriend about how idiotic people like him just deserve to die. After 5 blocks of my ranting the tourist turns around and says "I'm right in front of you bitch." I hid behind my laughing boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 501
You deserved it 88 621

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Holy crap, you ranted for five blocks? About how he deserved to *die*?! Anger issues much?

ManiMartinixo 0


you deserved being called a bitch..don't complain and why the hell would someone deserve to die because they made a mistake by walking in front of a car? if we go by your claim, then we could say that thousands if not millions of people deserve to die..because he/she's sure as hell not the first to walk in front of a car

fmah_life 0
dg72592_fml 0

wowwww chill. like we all have our bitch moments but for real for real if that's the kind of thing you get riled up about i kind of feel bad for your boyfriend, it must not take much to piss you off

dg72592_fml 0

oh yeah and maybe he didnt see the car? like one time i walked across this really dangerous 3- way intersection (i had to, there was no other way to get across that street cause the side i was on had no sidewalk) and almost got hit by a car i didn't see. guess i deserve to die too.

Echo3 0

Ranting for 5 blocks? STFU much?

you talked for that long about some random guy almost getting hit? Wow. thats already a ydi, and the fact that you didn't see him right in front of you...YDI!

agree with 11. you think some guy you don't even know should die because he didn't see a cab coming?? and you say HE"S the idiot?

everyone else is saying it perfectly. you're the idiot for saying someone should die for making a mistake. and the guy was right... you are a bitch.

the guy was right, you are a bitch. and i feel bad for your bf, he has to put up with a dumbass like yourself. @#29... people aren't mean on here, they are honest... she's the 'mean' one for calling the guy an idiot and saying he should die.

wow. someone nearly got hit by a car and you think they deserve to die? and then you ranted about it for fire blocks? your boyfriend is a lucky guy!