
By Anonymous - 06/05/2020 23:00

Today, I decided to have some bagels. It was only after I ate them that I looked at the cream cheese and discovered that it expired 3 years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 504
You deserved it 1 911

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's probably fine if the package was still sealed... Dairy is pasteurized. Also there's no real regulation to the expiration dates, it's really just a best-by date. Unless it tasted funny, I'm sure you'll be okay.

If it tasted fine, smelled fine, and wasn't weird colors, it was fine. That stuff has so many preservatives in it.


It's probably fine if the package was still sealed... Dairy is pasteurized. Also there's no real regulation to the expiration dates, it's really just a best-by date. Unless it tasted funny, I'm sure you'll be okay.

If it tasted fine, smelled fine, and wasn't weird colors, it was fine. That stuff has so many preservatives in it.

Meh. We once had 10 year old ketchup on burgers. It tasted fine, was just a bit browner than usual.

It was probably sterile by then. All the mold, fungi and other microbes grew old and died before you ate it.

bl3ur0z3 17

How do you pull out cream cheese that's been in your fridge over 3 years and not know it's bad?

To be fair, some grocery stores are really bad with first in, first out. Could be OP just bought it and checked the date to see when they should finish it by.

Kraths 16

I have Gatorades in my fridge that are a year and half old. Expiration dates are suggestive and as long as it doesn't taste, look, or smell funny you should be good.