By ;_; - 19/12/2013 22:13 - Canada - Burlington

Today, I saw a guy in the street drawing caricatures, and I decided to pay him to do one of me. Being a caricature, I looked pretty monstrous in it. When I showed it to my mum later, she shuddered and said, "Yeah, looks just like you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 899
You deserved it 4 348

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You must have a face only a mother.... Never mind.

HJKM_fml 19

Maybe she was just joking. Still I would talk to her and let her know those kind of comments bother you.


HJKM_fml 19

Maybe she was just joking. Still I would talk to her and let her know those kind of comments bother you.

You must have a face only a mother.... Never mind.

nnnope 26
renaee 13

Caricatures are always highly exaggerated. Don't take it too personally. :)

"Highly exaggerated"? I'd say horribly ugly..

Let her know you're a product of her ;)

Agreed. I got my "Product of JoAnn" stamped on my rump at birth. My mother even got me patented.

I was born with a Made in China sticker on my head and a barcode sticker on my ass.

So you flash the girls whenever they check you out?

Wizzlbang 10

Caricatures always look "just like" the person they're drawn as because they take any notable features about the person and exaggerate the bahoozits out of them. You see it a lot in political cartoons.

BadddWolf 10

I would've said: I got it from you, mommy!:)

If you think yours is bad, you should see the **** on Sirin's caricature and the ass on Alan's. Monstrous, indeed.

I really wish I could like your comments...

Wizardo 33

Same here but then again we can't bury their comments either otherwise a lot of accounts will suddenly be terminated...

maybe they should add a like button, but no dislike button. Then they can have all the fun they want!

perdix 29

And you wonder why you still live with your mother?