By Anonymous - 20/09/2009 19:20 - United States

Today, I was watching The Omen with my father. A little bit into the movie, my dad turned to me and said, "Wow, you really looked like that Damien kid when you were little." Apparently I strangely look like the Antichrist, and I'm a teenage girl. Thanks Dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 537
You deserved it 4 745

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should stand over him while he sleeps and speak in tongues, then have a seizure on the floor. He'll never make that mistake again.

key phrase 'when you were little' I'm pretty sure if you still looked like the anti-christ he would have said so or not said anything at all


spiffles 0

Uh not really. Her dad said WHEN SHE WAS LITTLE (aka when she was not the teenage human that she would appear to be now). Not an fml, antichrist-teen.

I'd love to look like the anti christ, or better yet, be the anti christ

who moderates this shit. this isnt even a good fml..

Moo_Horse 0

dude u scared the shit outta me...... weird pic but anywho. agreed

Thats like the nice way of saying you look like a guy =P fix ittt or don't bitch about it

You should stand over him while he sleeps and speak in tongues, then have a seizure on the floor. He'll never make that mistake again.

spongebobrocks 0

That's ******* hilarious. BTW, I'm a ****.

the_stereotype 0

agreed. OP, get over it. it's not an FML. do you think that if someone says you look like your dad you suddenly look male and possess all of his characteristics?

Agreed. Really, attitudes and hairstyles are the only things that define gender at that age. And yeah, despite the kid being a creepy anti-Christ, he was cute.

bellaellaella I was tempted to check out you profile pic for an oxy beaver.....too bad I can't find one :( btw......I personally think that damien kid was cute and lovely

key phrase 'when you were little' I'm pretty sure if you still looked like the anti-christ he would have said so or not said anything at all

He did say WHEN YOU WERE LITTLE. So what? No one was completely adorable all throughout their childhood. Get over it.

Look at me, Anonymous (woman)! It's all for you. [jumps off a roof, hanging myself]

MetalCraze 11

#45 do you mean androgynous? because ambiguous means of doubtful or uncertain nature; difficult to comprehend

To all those who moderated this: how could you let this through and not click "No"? This post is stupid.

This comment made me smile. (: and to the people who are going to be all "OMG WTF BLAH BLAH BLAH" it's from the movie. And to 71, comments don't get moderated dumbass.