He has issues
By just a joke - 08/06/2020 20:08
By just a joke - 08/06/2020 20:08
By heytherexo - 05/04/2009 02:10 - United States
By Milo - 21/02/2017 08:00 - Canada
By nobrows - 06/04/2012 17:11 - United States - Malvern
By ellieowenie - 29/07/2012 08:11 - Australia - Sydney
By -_- - 12/01/2014 08:03 - United States
By bushy brows - 04/01/2016 23:13 - United States - Prior Lake
By Mommy - 23/01/2025 12:00 - United States - Winchester
By tb351 - 28/05/2011 23:37 - United States
By Black Cat 13 - 04/09/2010 06:52 - United States
By 102496 - 05/02/2010 03:53 - France
He must be fun at parties.
How do so many people end up so deep into relationships without realizing just how homophobic/misogynistic/racist/etc their partners are? What did you talk about before you got engaged, got married, conceived, gave birth and started raising a kid? The weather?
Exactly people get married as if it’s nothing and have no clue who their partner is. I know Iots of people getting married or who have very soon into a relationship and when I ask questions like if their partners are religious like them I always hear “I don’t know” people don’t talk about the big stuff, just “hey I want to get married and have kids” “okay cool me too”
well time for him to INVOLUNTARILY go to angermanagement a therapy because he's obviously got some toxic issues you don't want your son to learn
you made him look like a cartoon, not RuPaul (which I only have a problem with since it's a lot more makeup for a young kid). your husband needs some urgent readjusting and your son needs encouragment that makeup is for everyone. sorry you discovered this so late op.
That sounds so cute on your little one. And the husband sounds like a prick...
What the heck is wrong with your husband? Is he this caught up in gender roles? You did it as a joke and he berated you and brought you to tears. Not a good look for him. He owes you a huge apology.
How do so many people end up so deep into relationships without realizing just how homophobic/misogynistic/racist/etc their partners are? What did you talk about before you got engaged, got married, conceived, gave birth and started raising a kid? The weather?
He must not fare well come Halloween time with so many males with faces decorated.