By Kasnt - 03/10/2010 18:50 - United States

Today, I really had to pee so I took the only stall that was available in the bathroom: the handicapped stall. A girl in a wheelchair came in seconds later and cursed at me for taking her designated spot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 534
You deserved it 8 222

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lizz12345 0

I can understand her being upset if you're not handicapped. but he should just chill out if it was the only stall open what were you supposed to do?

Tiffanywashere 0

The handicapped chick needs to calm the hell down. It's not like she personally owns the stall. She's not royalty and being handicapped doesn't mean she is above waiting her turn like anyone else. What a bitch. You should have cussed her out back.


Ok, her yelling at you was an overeaction, but also justified. Everyone's saying "If you gotta go you gotta go", but did anyone stop to think that maybe this girl did too and couldn't because she's handicapped? Even if another stall opened up she couldn't use it. Then again, OP had no way of knowing a handicapped person was going to show up, and did something we've probably all done a billion times only to be publicly reprimanded for it, which is mortifying and guilt-ridden, I'm sure. Long story short, f both your lives.

I made a point, and you didn't respond to it. Complaining that I don't focus on points are moot at this point.

Big deal. She needs to chill out. Not like you knew she was gonna be there. Honestly, she just has to wait her turn. It's not like being handicapped makes you royalty. I will openly admit it - whenever i have to take a crap or a piss, I take the handicapped stall if it is available rather than the normal one.

@151 - Why run? Not like the girl in the wheelchair is gonna get anywhere fast. Sit on the 4th step up and call it quits XD

That's exactly how I see it. There is no reason for separate, handicapped stalls if people who aren't handicapped choose to use them all the time. Certain occasions as the OP described, sure, but in every situation, no. Doing that is no better than someone who isn't handicapped parking in a handicapped spot. It is evident that by your refusal to respond that I am right.

I'm convinced that one day, Freeze & oc's mutual animosity will reach a climax, ending in the most earthshaking makeout ever. Don't worry though, guys, it won't really be gay; it'll be like when otherwise-totally-straight girls get drunk and make out for free drinks, but with FEELING. It'll probably implode the internet with its awesomeness, though, so until then, guys, keep sniping and snarking. You know, for the kids. :}

Oh! I got it! By now you both probably hate me, but I'm too loopy to not keep going. How 'bout we do a reality show where you guys are roommates, and have to get along for a month to win cool stuff like cash prizes and jet skis and, I dunno, a pet bear or something. There could be challenges where we drop other people like iicaptain and Stupified in for a few hours, and you have to beat them in pie-eating challenges and slip-n-slide Olympics to win survival gear like headphones and Xanax. I think I got a winner here. Somebody call the Weinsteins.

thatonedame 6

you were there first. ya gotta go, ya gotta go. they can just take their panties out of a bunch. just because it's desiged so they can use the restroom, doesn't make it 'their' stall, just for them.

Handicapped stalls are there for a reason. Walking in on you is a bit much, though.