By please knock - 13/09/2016 23:26 - United States - Needham

Today, I went in the one-person bathroom at work to pee. Next thing I know, a woman forced the locked door open and walked in on me, because she didn't believe another person who said, "I think someone is in there." I'm reluctant to use that bathroom in the future. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 487
You deserved it 1 225

Same thing different taste

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Happened to me once. They knocked a bunch even after I said that the bathroom was occupied. The next thing I knew, a woman and her kid had forced the lock and walked in on me. Luckily, I had just pulled up my pants.

So, was it a really flimsy lock or did this woman have PCP induced super-strength? Because right now I'm just picturing her going all She-Hulk and ripping through the deadbolt like tissue paper. All the while, screaming "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! I HAD CHIPOTLE TODAY!!!"


Happened to me once. They knocked a bunch even after I said that the bathroom was occupied. The next thing I knew, a woman and her kid had forced the lock and walked in on me. Luckily, I had just pulled up my pants.

Reminds me of just the other day, at my work. I was in the bathroom and someone came to the door and just started twisting the knob, as if moving it all around was going to change the fact that the door was locked.

I was using the restroom at a restaurant once and someone told the waitress that nobody was really in there so she unlocked the door for him and they both saw me just sitting there on the pot awkwardly

I guess she really needed to pee...

So, was it a really flimsy lock or did this woman have PCP induced super-strength? Because right now I'm just picturing her going all She-Hulk and ripping through the deadbolt like tissue paper. All the while, screaming "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! I HAD CHIPOTLE TODAY!!!"

NereidAlbel 14

No deadbolts on those single-person bathrooms.

dman798 18

There is always a way that it could have been worse, right?

See what I'd do is say hey I'm in here and if the person is still determined to get in there we'll just let them be embarrassed. The door is locked for a reason.

mariri9206 32

I had something similar happen to me at work once. They didn't break the lock or force their way in but they tried opening the door handle a bunch of times and, after I said "Someone is in here." They continued to try opening it the whole time I was in there, like they never stopped. It was so rude and, if I wasn't in my uniform and "representing the company" even though it was my break, I would have told them off.

That's my exact thought. At my workplace if you don't lock the door, they will just walk in on you. One of my coworkers saw me knock on the door before trying to go in and she told me that was a good idea because she's walked in on someone that forgot to lock the door. I was just like, when did knocking become something people don't do?

Juls464 10

I'm so socially awkward whenever someone asks if its occupied while I'm in there I get scared to respond